
Friday, July 23, 2010

Trooper Passed On

Sad News Troopers,
I am sorry to inform you that our friend and fellow Trooper, COL (Ret) Myron T. "Johnny" Johnston, died today, 22 July, 2010. Johnny
was born on 21 July, 1918 and commanded the 1-9th Cavalry in Korea 1959-1960. He was one of the original members of the
Association's Finance and Budget Committee and has served as its Chairman. He served three terms as the Executive Trustee of the
Foundation of the 1st Cavalry Division Association. He is one of the main reasons that our Association and Foundation are in the great
financial condition they are in. He was a trusted advisor to every President of the Association since he joined and also to the Executive
Directors Bob Litle, Art Junot and myself. He will be greatly missed.
There are no arrangements to provide at this time but I will send the information about his funeral out as soon as they are finalized.
First Team!
Dennis Webster
Executive Director, 1st Cavalry Division Association
E-mail: firstcav@1cda.orgWeb Page: www.1cda.orgPhone (254) 547-6537 - Fax (254) 547-8853
Note: Colonel Johnston was my Squadron Commander (1-9 Cav.) when I was in Korea. Colonel Johnston will be missed!
I will post more on the forum as time allows as I am dealing with some health issues myself.
Col. Johnston was one of the nicest/greatest gentlemen that I have had the pleasure of knowing, the man really did made a difference!
This is primarily for all 9th Cav./DMZ Police Co. troops but certainly for 1st Cav. Div. Assn. Members and other 1st Cav. alumni...
The 2 photos are of Colonel Johnston, # 86 was taken in 1959 in front of 1/9 Squadron HQ, the other photo of him was taken at the
Cav. reunion at Ft. Hood in '03.
- John -
Web Sites: - Main Web Site. - Photographs, Scenic, Game Room, Cars, Cats, Etc... - KDVA Memorial Web Pages.
"A" Troop, 1st Recon. Squad. 9th Cav. - 1st Cav.
DMZ Police - Korea, 1959 -1960
VFW Life Member.
1st Cavalry Division Association Life Member.
KDVA Charter Member.
Former KDVA SoPac Region Director.
1st Cav. Div. Motto: "The First Team"
9th Cav. Rgt. Motto: "We Can, We Will"
Proud To Have Served, Proud To Belong!
Semper Vigilans!
"Enlisted men are stupid, but extremely cunning and sly, and bear considerable watching."
Army Officers Guide. Circa 1874...

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