
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Excellent Video on the Tax-the-Rich Mentality.flv - YouTube

Excellent video demonstrating why we can't tax our way out of our problems

This should scare the crap out of you! We are spending $10 billion a day (3.6 more than we take in). He displays a calendar and starts taxing showing how it relates to our spending calendar. Take 100% of the following income from the following.. Exon and Walmart gets us to Jan 4, 100% of the rest Fortune 500 gets us to Feb 8, 100% of the of the income of everyone that makes over $250K get us to July 2 and he goes on to the end of the year.
One of the best, if not the best explanation I've seen
For those that may even think about buying the notion that we can just take a little more from the "rich" to solve our economic problems, watch this. The next time you hear someone buying into the liberal philosophy of simply raising taxes on the "rich", consider showing them the following video.

There is a massive misunderstanding by the President, his administration, and liberals on a whole host of things, but most especially on how fat the golden goose is and what happens when you run it out of money and/or our country. Someone better use the video below and educate the public quickly.


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