
Sunday, January 29, 2012

United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911

Sunday, January 29, 2011

History, for good or ill, is made by determined minorities. We ( the Three Percenters) are one such minority.

So too are the current enemies of the Founders' Republic.

What remains, then, is the test of will and skill to determine who shall shape the future of our nation.

An excerpt from the following link at Sipsey Street Irregulars

First Signs of Civil War begin in the US: Sheriff Tony DeMeo Threatens Force Against Federal Agents

Declaration to Restore the Republic Video

Sipsey Street Irregulars
The gathering place for a merry band of Three Percenters. (As denounced by Bill Clinton on CNN!)

The Doctrine of the Three Percent.
The Three Percent are the folks the Founders counted on to save the Republic when everyone else abandoned it.

And we will.
There will be no more free Wacos and no more free Katrinas.
For we are the Three Percent.
We will not disarm.
You cannot convince us.
You cannot intimidate us.
You can try to kill us, if you think you can.
But remember, we'll shoot back .
We are not going away.
We are not backing up another inch.
And there are THREE MILLION OF US.
Your move, Mr. Wannabe Tyrant.

Your move.
And, as things begin to spin out of control, remember this:
"All politics in this country now is just dress rehearsal for civil war." -- Billy Beck, August 2009.

Rise up for America
Declaration to Restore the Republic Video
PS: If you think this plan is bizarre have you read the new Health Care law lately?

Declaration to Restore the Republic Video

Oct 8, 2008
U.S. Army prepares to invade U.S.
The plans to implement martial law in America have been taking shape for decades, hidden behind "Continuity of Government" contingency planning. Now, with public outcry over the banker bailout bill at fever pitch, all of the pieces are in place for the U.S. Army to start policing American citizens.

Soldier talks about martial law training

BREAKING! MILITARY EQUIPMENT Filmed 1\19\12 near Santa Cruz, Southbound

Sheriffs Stand TALL for the Constitution!

County Sheriff Project

Islam in American Colleges

The solution to the illegal immigration problem is in enforcement
..... which the Sheriffs are all about..
I was talking with Bass today about Sheriff Mack and Arpaio
on the subject of leadership in the immigration control movement.
We both feel the emphasis and resource of the movement
is being put in the wrong place - like the legislative branches
of Federal, state and local government. The illegal immigration problem
is NOT going to be stopped by laws that are not being enforced
as we have seen for a decade now.

The solution to the illegal immigration problem is in enforcement
..... which the Sheriffs are all about..

Therefore, the Sheriffs should be the leaders the illegal immigration control
movement - not the likes of FAIR, Numbers etc. whose only concern is lobbying
new law that will not be enforced or that will be circumvented. Not that there isn't
a use for organizations such as those. But we shouldn't let the tail wag the dog.

Therefore, the Sheriffs are the solution that can bypass the lack of
leadership in this movement as they have powers that can trump
even federal agencies, which can force the enforcement of existing
law which they could enforce to shut down illegal immigration.

A call to divert resource to the Sheriffs and their organizations
regarding illegal immigration issues should be made especially after
the decades of ineffective action and stalling of existing immigration
control groups pursuing the wrong objective of supporting
legislative actions for whatever reason.

If these Sheriffs can create an organization that will be all about enforcement...
and eliminate the nonsense, that would be the only rational solution
to the illegal immigration problem.

Article II Super PAC's overall goal is to ensure that citizens and elected officials clearly understand Article II and the definitive meaning intended by the United States of America's Founding Fathers of "NATURAL BORN CITIZEN," thereby working to create a legally-binding vetting apparatus which will ensure all presidential and vice-presidential candidates are constitutionally eligible in 2012 and future elections.

OBAMA didn't show in Court. Obama's Georgia Ballot Hearing: Judge Wanted To Immediately Enter Default Judgment Against Obama

U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms

Journalist Sues Obama Over Indefinite Detention Law
NDAA provision could be a one way ticket to Gitmo for reporters, claims class action lawsuit
Paul Joseph Watson, Prison
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Journalist Chris Hedges has filed a class action lawsuit against President Barack Obama over his signing of the National Defense Authorization Act, claiming that the 'indefinite detention' provision of the bill could see him sent to Guantanamo Bay simply for doing his job.

Single state defies Obama detention plan
New law is 'repugnant to sensibilities' of founding principles
He noted that Mike Adams at was horrified, writing, "One of the most extraordinary documents in human history - the Bill of Rights - has come to an end under President Barack Obama. Derived from sacred principles of natural law, the Bill of Rights has come to a sudden and catastrophic end with the president's signing of the National defense Authorization Act, a law that grants the U.S. military the 'legal' right to conduct secret kidnappings of U.S. citizens, followed by indefinite detention, interrogation, torture and even murder. This is all conducted completely outside the protection of law, with no jury, no trial, no legal representation and not even any requirement that the government produce evidence against the accused.


Birther Summit

Birther Summit Registration:

Thursday March 29, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM EDT

Washington DC Mall

E Capitol St NE & 1st St NE

Washington, DC 20001

Terry Lakin Action Fund

Terry has been court martialed through his pursuit of confirmation of Obama's of eligibility to act as commander of our armed services.

6 months in prison Total forfeiture of all pay and allowances Dismissal from the Service All he wanted was the truth. Instead he got prison. Terry is standing up for the nation. He needs the nation's help

To have the Immigration laws of our country enforced and to secure our Borders from illegal trespassers.

To promote the safety and security of American Citizens.

The UPA is a nonpartisan all inclusive organization

New Jersey

The Saturday Morning Project

An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield police station.

Scorecard for Saturday 1.14.12

Location: UPA Bergen County - Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM - 10AM

Patriots - 6

Illegals - 50-60

Unusual event; every Saturday morning a freight train goes by on tracks not far from the zone. On this morning the engineer blew out a dat dad a dat da on his train whistle. SOUNDS like the whole country is onboard to the coming successful political patriotic overhaul of America.

The lefties, both Republican and Democrats will most likely get their clocks cleaned like they did in 2010.

It makes me wonder if the whole country is just kicking back and waiting for the "voters super bowl Tuesday" on election day when our votes will be louder than any words as we throw all the bums out starting with the imposter -in- chief.

Patriot mascot - info na

Church affiliates - on duty for a short time

Cars passing by - great response from cars passing by

Police activity - very strong police activity from the Dumont Police herding the illegals into the muster zone.

Weather - mild

The real enemy has been identified. It is us.

We the people.

We have failed to secure our borders.

We have failed to enforce our immigration laws.

We have spent ourselves into near bankruptcy.

We have failed to make ourselves energy independent leaving us dependent upon our enemies in the Middle East.

We have allowed birth tourism to flourish while incorrectly interpreting the 14th Amendment.

We have allowed most of our manufacturing base to leave the country under the ideology of "free trade" and now we know why so many of us are out of work.

We have set up a huge welfare state.

We have previously failed to fully engage ourselves in the political progress and allowed ourselves to be governed by corrupt politicians who have promoted and instituted injurious policies.

Info & Web Sites for Activists
Judicial Watch
Promoting Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in Government, Politics and the Law

Federation For American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

The Survivalist Blog

Armed Females of America

Militias Beware!

Constitution Reclaimed

Protest Gear

The Official Don't Tread on Me Outfitters
This company provides the perfect means of subtle protest against our pervasive and invasive government. It also serves as a reminder of U.S. colonial history and how if we fail to remember, we are doomed to repeat.
Gadsden and Culpeper
15 Glenridge Rd Store #7 Glenville NY 12302

Websites for Liberty

(866)220-0044; (877)851-6437; (877)762-8762

ACT! for America

ACT! for America was created to provide American citizens a means to be a collective voice for the democratic values of Western Civilization, such as the celebration of life and liberty, as opposed to the authoritarian values of radical Islam, such as the celebration of death, terror and tyranny.

Stop Islamization of America.

Stop the North American Union

"In a shoot-out, the feds always win", Huntsville Times, May 2, 2007

"Resistance is Futile": Waco Rules vs. Romanian Rules

by Mike Vanderboegh

You simply can't arm yourself adequately against a government that is rotten and needs to be overturned. Your best defense is the ballot box, not a pillbox.. . . . You can't beat 'em.

Border Security

Defending US borders from foreign invaders is not law enforcement; it's the basic purpose of the US military.

The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress

The real buck stops with us

If our government officials both elected and appointed are not doing what they should be doing it then becomes the responsibility of we the people to take action. The real buck stops with us. This is our government. It time for Americans to leave the safety and security of their homes and work places and march on down to their representatives' offices and make some real noise. We must have one clear cut mission. One mission that most Republicans and normal Democrats agree on is Border Security. Let us demand that, and see that it gets done and then go onto another mission. We can not be fooled by the Republican dog and pony debate show. We the people must take action now. Hoping that a Republican victory in 2012 will resolve our problems is nothing but a fantasy that prevents us from taking real action to reclaim our country. It is time for boots on the ground. E-mails only will not preserve our liberty. Christmas Day did not stop Washington from crossing the Delaware to attack the British. It's time for us all to start "crossing the Delaware"

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
Thomas Jefferson.

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do." ~ Edward Everett Hale

I am a Constitutional Patriot

Not a Democrat and not a Republican.

Not left, not right.

Not liberal, not conservative.

I am a Constitutional Patriot

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on


Ron Bass
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