
Sunday, January 15, 2012

UPA Report 1.15.12 Constitutional Sheriffs Convention

United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911

Sunday, January 15, 2011

Leadership is desperately needed to fight the radical left and restore our Constitutional Republic.

The UPA is turning its attention to Peace officers who are uniting to free America from State & Federal tyranny.

Note: The foremost issue since the formation of the UPA website has been open borders and the non enforcement of our immigration laws.

This has not been a failure of legislation but a failure of enforcement.

Thus the support of Sheriffs, whose job it is to enforce the laws of our country, is a long time coming.

Two American Patriots, Former Sheriff Richard Mack and

Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio have been leading the fight to preserve and restore our nation to the rule of law.

We should give these two Sheriffs our full financial support.

I will begin by sending my check ASAP to Sheriff Mack to support his convention in Las Vegas, NV
Ron Bass


Constitutional Sheriffs Convention

January 29-31, 2012 - Las Vegas, NV

Sheriff Richard Mack - The county Sheriff Project

County Sheriff Project


I just spoke to Sheriff Mack and was advised that PayPal has frozen that portion of the funds donated through PayPal ($40,000+) for the Constitutional Sheriff's Conference. PayPal has refused to release the funds and have stated that they may refund the donations to the donors. They have cited no violation of law or online regulation. They inquired if was a 501C(3) and excused their actions on fear that the IRS would fine them. Apparently someone opposing sheriffs learning they are not alone in their desire to live up to their oaths of office is involved.

Please post this notice to your membership and mailing list!

The conference is going to go forward as planned. Undaunted, Sheriff Mack is asking for patriots across the country to assist him ASAP by mailing donations directly to CSPOA to help cover the convention obligations and sheriff reimbursements.

To send checks, money orders, silver or cash mail to:

CSPOA, 112 Ridgewood Dr.

Fredericksburg, TX 78624.


You may want to consider boycotting PayPal. There are other alternatives available for your personal use for online transactions. You may want to demand that PayPal release these funds to CSPOA or demand a refund if you donated via PayPal.

See Conference information here:

Sheriff Mack's Website:

Thank you for your assistance!

You must watch this video.

Oath Keeper Sheriff Richard Mack

With the selection of Munoz to head the Domestic Policy Council, Barack Obama has openly declared war on America

Obama Appoints La Raza Radical to Control Domestic Policy
Katie Pavlich -- -- January 10
President Obama has appointed open border / amnesty advocate Cecilia Munoz to replace Melody Barnes as the head of the Domestic Policy Council. Munoz, a strong supporter of the failed DREAM Act, is the former senior vice president for the radical open-border National Council of La Raza.
With the selection of Munoz to head the Domestic Policy Council, Barack Obama has openly declared war on America. Arizona has more illegal invaders from Mexico than any other state. He is suing to stop it from enforcing immigration laws.
He has attacked Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio for enforcing the law.
He has told ICE agents to stop deporting illegal aliens --- but they are rebelling.
And the list goes on. Just search this site using the key words - Obama Aztlan - and you will see for yourself.
Anyone who still supports Barack Obama for president is either an idiot who doesn't bother to learn what this guy is doing - or a traitor who wants to turn vast portions of America over to Mexico - and that includes the mainstream media.

The Domestic Policy Council (DPC) of the United States is the principal forum used by the President of the United States for considering domestic policy matters, excluding economic matters, which are the domain of the National Economic Council. The council forms part of the Office of White House Policy which contains the DPC, the National Economic Council and various subordinate offices, such as the Office of National AIDS Policy. The Director of the DPC is titled the Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council.

Note: I never realized how thoroughly submissive to totalitarianism we had become, until recently. I thought we still had a chance to survive. I actually thought we would fight. On one thing Obama is correct. We HAVE become soft. Excerpt from article below.

ALERT: Final implementation phase of Obama formal dictatorship has begun
By Sher ZieveSher Zieve October 23, 2011
Today may mark the real beginning of the end of the United States of America. We-the-People are being forced into the deadliest phase of the Obama Plan, yet - that of his overwhelming implementation of his US Police State.

Radical Islam and sharia law

WHAT IS AN INFIDEL? Short, worth reading.

This is a true story and the author,

Rick Mathes, is a well-known leader in prison ministry.


Birther Summit

Birther Summit Registration:

Thursday March 29, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM EDT

Washington DC Mall

E Capitol St NE & 1st St NE

Washington, DC 20001

Terry Lakin Action Fund

Terry has been court martialed through his pursuit of confirmation of Obama's of eligibility to act as commander of our armed services.

6 months in prison Total forfeiture of all pay and allowances Dismissal from the Service All he wanted was the truth. Instead he got prison. Terry is standing up for the nation. He needs the nation's help


Homeland Security monitors journalists
January 10, 2012
Freedom of speech might allow journalists to get away with a lot in America, but the Department of Homeland Security is on the ready to make sure that the government is keeping dibs on who is saying what.
Under the National Operations Center (NOC)'s Media Monitoring Initiative that came out of DHS headquarters in November, Washington has the written permission to retain data on users of social media and online networking platforms.

Court finds Iran partly responsible for 9/11
By Janice Kephart
The Washington Times
After Sept. 11, Mr. Mesbahi approached an American he knew was well-versed in Iranian affairs and told him of his foreknowledge of the Sept. 11 plan and how the plot to crash the then existing Boeing 747 aircraft into New York, Washington and Chicago had evolved in Iran years prior. The Pentagon, White House and World Trade Center had been on the hit list. Back in the 1980s, Iran had decided, he said, that to defeat the United States, it needed to engage in asymmetric warfare

Final Implementation of Obama Dictatorship in Progress on all levels
Sher Zieve Sunday, January 8, 2012
The plain truth-no matter how uncomfortable or painful it may be-is that we have already lost our country to a band of thugs who have looted our treasury (that which all taxpayers used to own), burned our US Constitution and is in the process of decimating the rest of the USA at and on every level. And the biggest problem is that some of us have allowed-even welcomed-it to happen. The country that my ancestors fought and died to build has been annihilated. The only question remaining is: Are there real humans left who crave liberty, freedom and God enough who want to fight for and rebuild it? Are there?

The 2012 election may come down to retiring Mr. Obama - or the Constitution.
Will We Retire Obama-- or the Constitution?
Arnold Ahlert Friday, January 6, 2012
Once again, I feel compelled to offer my fellow Americans a warning. It is three words: context is everything. Mr. Obama has divided us by race and class, alienated our allies while enabling our enemies, reduced American influence in the world to a historic low, and given us the highest level of debt in the history of the world, courtesy of economic policies that have done virtually nothing to alleviate the suffering of millions of Americans. So what's the context?
All of the above has occurred while this president has been RESTRAINED by the necessity of getting re-elected.
One more year of this man thumbing his nose at the Constitution whenever it suits him will be damaging enough. Five more years? The 2012 election may come down to retiring Mr. Obama - or the Constitution.

Georgia Judge has issued a subpoenato Barack Obama
Attorney Orly Taitz website is reporting that a Georgia Judge has issued a subpoena demanding Barack Obama appear in court January 26 AND produce his original long form birth certificate, passport records, collegeregistration records and more.

To have the Immigration laws of our country enforced and to secure our Borders from illegal trespassers.

To promote the safety and security of American Citizens.

The UPA is a nonpartisan all inclusive organization

New Jersey

The Saturday Morning Project

An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield police station.

Scorecard for Saturday 1.14.12

Location: UPA Bergen County - Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM - 10AM

Patriots - info na

Illegals - info na

Patriot mascot - info na

Church affiliates - info na

Cars passing by - info na

Police activity - info na

Weather - seasonal

The real enemy has been identified. It is us.

We the people.

We have failed to secure our borders.

We have failed to enforce our immigration laws.

We have spent ourselves into near bankruptcy.

We have failed to make ourselves energy independent leaving us dependent upon our enemies in the Middle East.

We have allowed birth tourism to flourish while incorrectly interpreting the 14th Amendment.

We have allowed most of our manufacturing base to leave the country under the ideology of "free trade" and now we know why so many of us are out of work.

We have set up a huge welfare state.

We have previously failed to fully engage ourselves in the political progress and allowed ourselves to be governed by corrupt politicians who have promoted and instituted injurious policies.

Info & Web Sites for Activists
Judicial Watch
Promoting Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in Government, Politics and the Law

Federation For American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

The Survivalist Blog

Armed Females of America

Militias Beware!

Constitution Reclaimed

Protest Gear

The Official Don't Tread on Me Outfitters
This company provides the perfect means of subtle protest against our pervasive and invasive government. It also serves as a reminder of U.S. colonial history and how if we fail to remember, we are doomed to repeat.
Gadsden and Culpeper
15 Glenridge Rd Store #7 Glenville NY 12302

Websites for Liberty

(866)220-0044; (877)851-6437; (877)762-8762

ACT! for America

ACT! for America was created to provide American citizens a means to be a collective voice for the democratic values of Western Civilization, such as the celebration of life and liberty, as opposed to the authoritarian values of radical Islam, such as the celebration of death, terror and tyranny.

Stop Islamization of America.

Stop the North American Union

"In a shoot-out, the feds always win", Huntsville Times, May 2, 2007

"Resistance is Futile": Waco Rules vs. Romanian Rules

by Mike Vanderboegh

You simply can't arm yourself adequately against a government that is rotten and needs to be overturned. Your best defense is the ballot box, not a pillbox.. . . . You can't beat 'em.

Border Security

Defending US borders from foreign invaders is not law enforcement; it's the basic purpose of the US military.

The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress

The real buck stops with us

If our government officials both elected and appointed are not doing what they should be doing it then becomes the responsibility of we the people to take action. The real buck stops with us. This is our government. It time for Americans to leave the safety and security of their homes and work places and march on down to their representatives' offices and make some real noise. We must have one clear cut mission. One mission that most Republicans and normal Democrats agree on is Border Security. Let us demand that, and see that it gets done and then go onto another mission. We can not be fooled by the Republican dog and pony debate show. We the people must take action now. Hoping that a Republican victory in 2012 will resolve our problems is nothing but a fantasy that prevents us from taking real action to reclaim our country. It is time for boots on the ground. E-mails only will not preserve our liberty. Christmas Day did not stop Washington from crossing the Delaware to attack the British. It's time for us all to start "crossing the Delaware"

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
Thomas Jefferson.

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do." ~ Edward Everett Hale

I am a Constitutional Patriot

Not a Democrat and not a Republican.

Not left, not right.

Not liberal, not conservative.

I am a Constitutional Patriot

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on


Ron Bass
E-mail -

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