
Saturday, January 21, 2012

U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms | Video - ABC News

who's building our bridges?????

Even the MSM which usually tries to hide the downfall of America when it involves illegal immigration, un-necessary wars for Israel, or the demographic disaster that is currently going on, chimed in on this obvious discrepancy in what some claim to be doing before the cameras and then doing the very opposite in secret ... at least this kind of behavior should be explored and those responsible for spending the public's money be asked to explain their actions.

Date: Saturday, January 21, 2012, 8:59 AM

This one should be tough for the supporters of the current regime to
swallow....AND it comes from ABC Snopes or Wikileaks on this one!!

U.S.A.Bridges and Roads Being
Built by Chinese Firms
Shocking to

say the least! This video is a jaw-dropper that will make
you sick. (It was
also shocking that ABC was actually reporting this
The lead-in
with Obama promising jobs in the U.S. by improving our infrastructure is
so typical of all his promises! Our tax dollars are at work - for


I pray all the unemployed see this

and cast their votes accordingly in 2012!

(Sorry, but
there's a short commercial at the


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