
Sunday, February 19, 2012

United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911

February 19, 2012

Obamacare and halting illegal immigration.

In the upcoming presidential election, two issues are more important than any others: repealing Obamacare and halting illegal immigration.

If we fail at either one, the country will be changed permanently.

Taxes can be raised and lowered. Regulations can be removed (though they rarely are). Attorneys general and Cabinet members can be fired. Laws can be repealed. Even Supreme Court justices eventually die.

But capitulate on illegal immigration, and the entire country will have the electorate of California. There will be no turning back.

Massive legal and illegal immigration has already so changed the California electorate that no Republican can be elected statewide anymore.
In the same way, the national electorate will eventually mirror California's and we will have Liberal Progressive governments far into the future.

Similarly, if Obamacare isn't repealed in the next few years, it never will be.

America will begin its inevitable descent into becoming a worthless Western European country, with rotten health care, no money for defense and ever-increasing federal taxes to support the nanny state.



December 28, 2011

In the upcoming presidential election, two issues are more important than any others: repealing Obamacare and halting illegal immigration. If we fail at either one, the country will be changed permanently.

Just as Americans ought to be able to learn the perils of a welfare state by looking at Greece, we ought to be able to learn the perils of illegal immigration by looking at California.

But if Santorum wins, we lose on the second most important issue -- illegal immigration -- and he'll be the last Republican ever to win a general election in America.

The only way to stop Obamacare is to beat Obama in 2012, and repeal it before the health care Leviathan is born.

PHOENIX (AP) A bill to have Arizona create a new volunteer militia force for the state has narrowly cleared its first hurdle at the Legislature.

The Senate Appropriations Committee voted 7-to-6 Thursday for the bill after opponents questioned the need for the force and supporters said it could help secure the U.S.-Mexico border.

Other authorized duties of the so-called "special missions unit" of 300 volunteers could include responding to disasters, conducting search and rescue missions and helping law enforcement agencies.

The legislation next faces a legal review before going to the full Senate. Passage would send it to the House.

Arizona already allows the governor to form a militia and the Legislature last year passed new legislation specifically reiterating that authority, but Gov. Jan Brewer has not invoked it.

Obama's new czar tied to Occupy, ACORN, MoveOn and La Raza

She most recently worked for the National Council of La Raza, an open-borders group that lobbies for mass immigration and amnesty for illegal aliens.

(WND) - Cecilia Munoz previously worked at Soros' Open Society Institute. Prior to her appointment yesterday as the next director of President Obama's Domestic Policy Council, longtime immigration reform advocate Cecilia Munoz served on the board of George Soros' Open Society Institute.

Munoz also chaired the board of directors of the Center for Community Change, or CCC, a Soros-funded community organizing initiative whose board boasts activists from ACORN, MoveOn org and other radical groups.

Co-author of Arizona immigration law says 'self-deportation' working

Immigration crackdowns in Arizona and Alabama are succeeding in persuading illegal immigrants to voluntarily leave the country, the co-author of tough immigration laws in both of those states said Saturday. Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, an ardent opponent of illegal immigration who has endorsed Mitt Romney, said jobs are opening up for Americans and school budgets flourishing thanks to tough new policies. "If you want to create a job for a U.S. citizen tomorrow, deport an illegal alien today," Kobach said to boisterous applause at the Conservative Political Action Conference....


If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."

Silence indicates consent


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"Border Battles" films American Patrol
Glenn Spencer and the nongovernmental border watch group American Border Patrol will be the focus of an Outdoor Channel "Border Battles" segment that will air at 8:30 p.m. Mountain / 7:30 p.m. Pacific on Feb. 22.
Spencer, president of American Border Patrol, said he has been working closely with the production crew since they visited him last July.
"From what I understand, the American people are going to get the first honest look at what American Border Patrol has been doing for the past 10 years," he stated on the American Patrol Web site.
"Our segment will air on the same day the Republicans hold a debate in Mesa and all the media will be here in Arizona to watch." Spencer said.
"I hope they take the time to watch the Border Battles show and then come down and visit the ABP border ranch," he added.

Immigrant tuition bill can go to referendum, judge rules
By Andrea F. Siegel, The Baltimore Sun, February 17, 2012
Voters will decide in November if they want to allow in-state tuition for some illegal immigrants at Maryland's public colleges and universities, an Anne Arundel County judge ruled Friday.,0,1268212.story


Birther Summit

Birther Summit Registration:

Thursday March 29, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM EDT

Washington DC Mall

E Capitol St NE & 1st St NE

Washington, DC 20001

Terry Lakin Action Fund

Terry has been court martialed through his pursuit of confirmation of Obama's of eligibility to act as commander of our armed services.

6 months in prison Total forfeiture of all pay and allowances Dismissal from the Service All he wanted was the truth. Instead he got prison. Terry is standing up for the nation. He needs the nation's help


To have the Immigration laws of our country enforced and to secure our Borders from illegal trespassers.

To promote the safety and security of American Citizens.

The UPA is a nonpartisan all inclusive organization

New Jersey

The Saturday Morning Project

An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield police station.

Scorecard for Saturday 2.18.12

Location: UPA Bergen County - Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM - 10AM

Patriots - 5

Illegals - 55

Patriot mascot - on duty

Church affiliates - on duty

Cars passing by - normal responses

Police activity - normal

Weather - seasonal

Info & Web Sites for Activists

Protest Gear

The Official Don't Tread on Me Outfitters
This company provides the perfect means of subtle protest against our pervasive and invasive government. It also serves as a reminder of U.S. colonial history and how if we fail to remember, we are doomed to repeat.
Gadsden and Culpeper
15 Glenridge Rd Store #7 Glenville NY 12302

Judicial Watch
Promoting Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in Government, Politics and the Law

Federation For American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

The Survivalist Blog

Armed Females of America

Militias Beware!

Constitution Reclaimed

Websites for Liberty

ACT! for America

ACT! for America was created to provide American citizens a means to be a collective voice for the democratic values of Western Civilization, such as the celebration of life and liberty, as opposed to the authoritarian values of radical Islam, such as the celebration of death, terror and tyranny.

Stop Islamization of America.

Stop the North American Union

"In a shoot-out, the feds always win", Huntsville Times, May 2, 2007

"Resistance is Futile": Waco Rules vs. Romanian Rules

by Mike Vanderboegh

You simply can't arm yourself adequately against a government that is rotten and needs to be overturned. Your best defense is the ballot box, not a pillbox.. . . . You can't beat 'em.

Border Security

Defending US borders from foreign invaders is not law enforcement; it's the basic purpose of the US military.

The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress

The real buck stops with us

If our government officials both elected and appointed are not doing what they should be doing it then becomes the responsibility of we the people to take action. The real buck stops with us. This is our government. It time for Americans to leave the safety and security of their homes and work places and march on down to their representatives' offices and make some real noise. We must have one clear cut mission. One mission that most Republicans and normal Democrats agree on is Border Security. Let us demand that, and see that it gets done and then go onto another mission. We can not be fooled by the Republican dog and pony debate show. We the people must take action now. Hoping that a Republican victory in 2012 will resolve our problems is nothing but a fantasy that prevents us from taking real action to reclaim our country. It is time for boots on the ground. E-mails only will not preserve our liberty. Christmas Day did not stop Washington from crossing the Delaware to attack the British. It's time for us all to start "crossing the Delaware"

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
Thomas Jefferson.

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do." ~ Edward Everett Hale

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