
Friday, March 22, 2013

VTN REPORT 3/23 2013

 Excelsior College
VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits       March 22, 2013
ScreenHunter_1411 Mar. 22 10.52 Doug Christie - Rest in Peace
Doug Christie was a veritable star in various Canadian court venues - the likes of which the Lobby that plagues us all with all their lies piled up on lies and yet more lies had never yet encountered.
deal-or-no-deal Johnny Punish
Iraq War: Did Historic Idiot Non-Deal Maker Costs Millions of Lives for Nothing?
ScreenHunter_1414 Mar. 22 16.44 Gordon Duff
Israel, driving America's 'welfare Cadillac'
obamaisrael Stuart Littlewood
Obama Fails To Demand Halt to Illegal Settlements
ScreenHunter_1413 Mar. 22 12.42 Veterans Today
Iron Dome Success Rate: Zero
ScreenHunter_1412 Mar. 22 12.30 Roy Roitov
Sand Storm Stops Obama
bush-crime-family Kevin Barrett
The 'October Surprise' and Argo's secret
rogers-now-2 Rick Rogers
Get Used to Tight DOD Budgets, Air Force Suspends Security Checks, Incentivize Vet Hiring
63a00b4fdad9a70b660a7992153d-grande Jim W. Dean
Some Rare Regal Moments with King Adbullah II
bumpercar Johnny Punish
Israel and Palestine: Obama Bumper Car Diplomacy vs. Old Bibi Crusty Hate and War
Israeli soldiers shoot Palestinian kids for sport, as described by Chris Hedges in his article "Gaza Diary." This photo was taken and shared by a proud IDF soldier. Kevin Barrett
Zionists Drown In Their Own Hatred: The Photos
Major Florida Internet Security Company Has Jobs Available Now!
Diginonymous recently joined in an attempt to employ qualified veterans to help them expand and grow their business. »»
salami Press TV
Finian Cunningham
Travesty of Saudi dirty tricks against Iran
Saudi claims of "busting a spy ring" involving Iranian and Lebanese nationals this week smell of yet more dirty tricks by the creaky House of Saud. »»
President Obama delivered a speech in Jerusalem to hundreds of Israeli students. Could his effort to reach a new generation help establish peace in the future?  HUFFPOST.
Obama urges Israel to make peace with Palestine
"And having built them up, convinced them of their near-invincibility, he showed them a theoretical future that he insisted could be realized if they would only trust in their strength sufficiently to take risks for peace." »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Diginonymous LLC Joins
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
- Report: Jobs Picture for Veterans Improved in 2012
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- National Carriers Names Driver of the Month for January
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- VA Home Loan Centers Add New Insights on VA Loans for California and Nevada Counties
VA Home Loan News    Alexander Stone
- VA Secretary Makes Progress for Homeless Veterans
Roy Roitov
"Obama, B'ona," says Israel..
The day after Israel laughed at Obama, things got awry. Not on the formal level; American flags are larger than ever, Netanyahu's baritone is deeper than ever, and Palestinian despair is sadder than ever. »»
ScreenHunter_1406 Mar. 21 12.33
Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - March 21, 2013
In honor of Women's History Month in March, VA released a new Face Behind the File episode called Women on the Wing. »»
Rick Rogers
Contractor Accused of Passing Intel, VA Hospital Embarrassment ..
A defense contractor is accused of funneling national security secrets to his young Chinese girlfriend. »»
Jonas E. Alexis
Demonic: How the Neoconservative Mob is Endangering America
In a nutshell, anti-Jewish reaction at that time was itself a reaction to Jewish revolutionary activities largely because those revolutionaries ally themselves with subversive movements. »»
Michael Shrimpton
The Jesuits Take Over the Nation..
The appointment of Pope Francis was the worst thing the Vatican could have done. »»
Michael Lombardi
Corporate Insiders Most Bearish in 14 Years
Aside from the ominous decline in corporate earnings, the people who ar e the closest to the public companies, corporate insiders, are fleeing at a record pace. »»
Lorimer Wilson
Economic Collapse is Inevitable and Here is Why
Things will get messy and nasty, sooner rather than later. »»
Lorimer Wilson
Whats Up With the Mar kets?
The U.S. is the most overbought country on a list of the 30 largest countries. »»

Fema Banned This Video 
Obama Electricity Exposed 
How to Disappear Forever 
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