
Sunday, March 17, 2013

VTN REPORT: Your DAILY NEWS from Veterans Today Network

 Excelsior College
VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits       March 16, 2013
obama-y-chavez-2 Obama Killed Chavez
Most likely he was either poisoned or infected with cancer causing substances. Four cancer surgeries in 18 months raise suspicions.
jefferson Stewart Ogilby
911 - The K-mob and Class Conflict
paul-ryan Stephen Lendman
Paul Ryan's At It Again
ScreenHunter_1364 Mar. 15 16.59 Roy Roitov
Protocols of Zion
khashayar Kevin Barrett
Ben Affleck could be hanged for war crimes: US intelligence expert
irving-kristol Jonas E. Alexis
The Neoconservative Movement Is Terrorism in Its Political and Metaphysical Sense
ScreenHunter_1361 Mar. 15 11.11 Veterans Today
China Envoy Says There Was No $8 Billion South Sudan Aid Offer
Prime Minister Odinga Veterans Today
Kenya's Odinga to file Supreme Court election petition on Friday
ScreenHunter_1359 Mar. 15 11.01 Veterans Today
US Military to Maintain Low-Key Presence in Africa - Official
rogers-now-2 Rick Rogers
Medal Broke Tradition, Troops Back to the Balkans, Cyber Threat Surpasses WMDs
JackRuby Jim Fetzer
Revisiting history: Did Jack Ruby predict the America of today?
Peter Jenkins : A strange way to build trust with Iran
Divining the Obama administration's foreign policy intentions can be intellectually challenging. »»
rashid khaldi 2
James M. Wall
Khalidi to Obama: Time For a New Course
"For Mr. Obama, a decision is in order. He can reconcile the United States to continuing to uphold and bankroll an unjust status quo that it helped produce." »»
B Freedman
The Amazing Warnings of Benjamin Freedman -- REVISITED
Anti-Zionist Jew Benjamin Freedman declared in a speech presented in 1961, "The Zionists rule these United States as though they were absolute monarchs of this country." »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Interdyne Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Paradigm Engineers and Constructors Joins
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
- Jobs for Women Gets Boost from Controversial Facebook Leader
VA Home Loan News    Alexander Stone
- VA Secretary Makes Progress for Homeless Veterans
VA Home Loan News    Alexander Stone
- VA's Promise to Improve still meets with Delay
Veterans Today
Veterans Gambling Charity Scam Exposed..
The key players behind a purported veteran's charity accused of setting up illegal gambling rooms pumped more than $1 million into the campaign accounts of politicians who had the power to regulate or put them out of business. »»
Allied Veterans of America
Gordon Duff
Drone Nightmare, the Unseen Threat
- Drones of unimagined capability are being readied for deployment with even more frightening technical advances on the drawing boards. »»
Roy Roitov
Settlers Win Israeli Government..
On March 14, 2013, Netanyahu announced in the Knesset to his party members that his coalitional negotiations ended. »»
Netanyahu  announces agreement.
World News Tommorrow
Diamond Industry Tax Scam Exposed
Belgian Tax authorities participate in Tax scams of Diamond industry and settles for €150m tax back-payment. »»
Jim W. Dean
Iron Dome System Failed Miserably..
- Richard Sliverstein - After examining hundreds of videos...the anti-missile weapon may have shot down 5% of its targets »»
Michael Noonan
Gold And Silver - Where Is The Rally? What Is Missing?
So many headlines are saying "$5,000 Gold, or $10,000 Gold; Silver, The Investment of the Decade," etc, etc, etc. Will that happen? A history of failed fiat currencies says yes. When will it happen? »»
Michael Lombardi
Disconnect Between Stock Market and Economy Biggest I've Ever Seen
By looking at the stock market's recent performance, one might think the U.S. economy has turned the corner and the worst is behind us. This is far from reality! »»
gold bars
Lorimer Wilson
Is Gold's 13 Year Run Almost Over?
[While] the price of gold has gone up for 12 straight years, and is on pace to make it 13 when this year comes to a close, it seems that despite all of the gold bugs calling for the metal to surge to unbelievable highs, major financial institutions are calling for the gold bubble to finally burst in the coming months. [Let's examine what they and others have to say.] Words: 450 »»

Fema Banned This Video 

Obama Electricity Exposed 

How to Disappear Forever 
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