
Thursday, May 9, 2013

 Excelsior College
VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits       May 08, 2013
netanyahu-china Israel Cozies Up to China
Good thing I have access to CCTV-English (Chinese state television) for international news or I would have totally missed the scoop that Israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu has frozen new settlement activity in the Palestinian West Bank.
vt-top-1011 Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - May 08, 2013
This starving innocent little child was a victim of the Ukrainian Holocaust brought about by the Communist Party of the USSR. So far there haven't been any Hollywood block-buster moves made about this deadly dark spot in history. Bob Johnson
War Criminals From WW II Probably Living in Israel
Jeff Boss Jim Fetzer
Did the NSA plan 9/11? Jeff Boss says, "Yes!"
veteran benefits Veterans Today
Cost-of-Living Adjustment for Veterans Proposed
Last Minute JMRs Alex Graham
The OGC and Joint Motions For Remand
drones Sherwood Ross
Drone Strikes Fueling Anti-U.S. Hatred As Fear Spreads In Middle East
extra-news Veterans Today
Veterans' Affairs Committee Clears Bills for House Floor Consideration
texas-israel-chamber-commerce Kevin Barrett
Happy Texas-Israel Day!
Minuteman III Launch Gordon Duff
Air Force Leaks Launch Codes
hawking Kevin Barrett
Stephen Hawking Boycotts Israel
U.S. Censoring Trial to Hide War Crimes
Iraq War Veteran Michael Prysner explains that US military has taken steps to prevent justice at Bradley Manning's trial. »»
Major Materials Provider Has Jobs For Hire
Horizons Incorporated has joined in an effort to provide employment to our nations heroes! »»
EU-High-Rep Catherine Ashton
Stuart Littlewood
Truth-tellers and justice-seekers, don't give up!
Jeremy Greenstock and 18 other prominent Europeans have sent a strongly-worded message to EU High Representative Catherine Ashton calling for a new European approach and expressing "strong concern about the dying chances of a settlement based on two separate, sovereign and peaceful states of Israel and Palestine". »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Horizons Incorporated Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Merck Renews with
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
- Solar Biz Job Fair for Veterans This Friday
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Qualifications for Obtaining a VA Loan
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Housing Starts Expected To Be Positive Next Week
Kevin Barrett
Israel, Al-Qaeda Ties Out in The Open..
Al-Qaeda and Israel have joined forces in Syria. Is that just a coincidence? Or have they always been on the same side? »»
Anjem Choudary's group put out this poster praising the 9/11 patsies. Did he mean the original "magnificent 19" who had their identities stolen? Or the pork-chop-relishing, cocaine-snorting, prostitute-chasing, gambling-obsessed Mossad patsies who impersonated them?
war smoke
Gordon Duff
War Has Begun
This morning, the government of Israel contacted President Assad of Syria. They did so as the leader of a coalition now openly at war against Syria and Iran, with plans to broaden the conflict. »»
Roi Tov
Chemical Duel..
Israel is not yet Bhopal. Israel attacks Syria. Israel becomes Bhopal? »»
ScreenHunter_1626 May. 07 11.53
in bed with bibi 1
Gilad Atzmon
In Bed With Bibi
This week we see the united progressive front made by Tariq Ali, Ilan Pappe, Fredric Jameson, Norman Finkelstein and other very good people. This time they want us to 'liberate the Syrians'. »»
Stephen Lendman
America and Israel: Imperial Partners in Crime (Part II)..
In late January, Lebanese military sources reported multiple Israeli violations of Lebanon's airspace. One or more targets on the Syrian-Lebanese border were struck. »»
Barack Obama
Michael Lombardi
Why I Feel Like It Is 2007 All Over Again
All the sudden, the luxury car market is hot again. Prices for prime New York real estate have hit the stratosphere. What is going on? »»
Stephen Lendman
Fannie and Freddie in Good Hands with Mel Watt
On May 1, Obama nominated Watt to head the Federal Housing Finance Agency. »»
Nick Barisheff
BullionBuzz eNewsletter | Feature: Euro: Current Course Is Leading to Disaster
Read this week's Bullion Buzz for a synopsis on recent, intriguing articles of relevance to investors. »»

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