
Tuesday, May 21, 2013


 Excelsior College
VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits       May 20, 2013
anti-semites(2) Israel: "We Are More Anti-Semites!"
I can seldom claim to be delighted during my daily tours within the Hebrew media darkest corners; the offensive image I reproduced in yesterday's article is a good explanation why.
ScreenHunter_1681 May. 20 16.36 Roi Tov
When Π Equals 3: The Battle for a Zionist Chief Rabbi
uncle ruslan-fuller F. William Engdahl
Graham Fuller, Uncle Ruslan, the CIA and the Boston Bombings
church+of+scotland+3 Stuart Littlewood
Impertinent Complaints Politely Sidestepped
boston -cia F. William Engdahl
Boston and the CIA 'Snafu' Part II:
vernonhershberger051813b Kevin Barrett
Vernon Hershberger trial puts food freedom "on the table" !
caution Dean Henderson
The Council on Foreign Relations
putin-netanyahu Veterans Today
Despite Pro-Cannibal Voting in the UN, Syria Is Resisting
associated-press-obama-justice-department SARTRE
Media Once Bitten, Forever Scorn
dr durakovic Ed Mattson
Learning to fight cellular abnormalities caused by AO and Gulf War Syndrome
ADVANCE FOR USE SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2013 AND THEREAFTER - A sign cautions visitors outside a "pump and treat" facility on the Marine base at Camp Lejeune, N.C., on Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2013. The sprawling installation is the site of one of the worst drinking water contaminations in U.S. history. (AP Photo/Allen Breed) Robert O'Dowd
Marines Failed To Safeguard Water Supply
The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans
It's long past time for a fundamental rethinking of the American government's blank check to Israel. »»
Refusing to go to war is finally being recognised as a brave act
The price of pacifism : From the Second World War refusenik to the 19-year-old Israeli... »»
latuff3 BOYCOTT
Israel, Hawking and the Pressing Question of the Boycott
There is little doubt that the boycott movement is in constant growth and not simply because of the recurring news of artists and academics refusing to visit Israel, or take part in Israeli-sponsored events. Equally significant is the existence of strong layers of support being provided by civil society that makes it possible for artists, academics and others to adhere to the call of boycott, without fearing serious repercussions. »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Mercedes Benz Joins
Military Veteran Job News    John Vogel
- Department of Veterans Affairs to Hire Over 800 Veterans
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
- Are Veterans Losing Jobs Unfairly?
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Qualifications for Obtaining a VA Loan
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Housing Starts Expected To Be Positive Next Week
Jonas E. Alexis
The Rise and Fall of the Holocaust Industry..
When Norman Finkelstein wrote The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering in 2000, he argues that Holocaust "hoaxers" and "hucksters"-namely Jewish organizations-have exploited what happened in Nazi Germany in order to get millions of dollars from Swiss banks. »»
Veterans Today
Subject: Internet censorship - not only for matters Holocaust
I did not bend to Jewish pressure but so many in 'power positions' are willing handmaiden to Jewish interests. »»
World News Tommorrow
Corporate "Cyper-Collapse" Expected..
United Kingdom- According to the European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS), corporate firms will face more cyber threats in the type 1 communications systems of our modern day till we have managed to get to the next stage of a type 2 cyber communications network. »»
World News Tomorrow
World News Tommorrow
Belgian Police Investigate Millions of Counterfeit Euro Coins
BRUXELLES -During the last month the Belgian Federal police has confiscated several tons of counterfeit Euro Coins that were shipped from China via the Belgian territory into the European Union. »»
Rick Rogers
The Sunday Read ..
The man responsible for tracking billions in U.S. taxpayer money spent on projects in Afghanistan claims he's under pressure to keep silent about fraud, waste and abuse he turns up. »»
rogers-military news
Stephen Lendman
Markets Soar Leaving Economies Poor
Central banks run today's world. Major ones matter most. Money printing madness controls everything. »»
Michael Lombardi
Warning: 79% of S&P 500 Companies Issue Negative 2Q Guidance
The disconnect between the stock market and the U.S.economy continues to grow, as the key stock indices run way ahead of reality. »»
Michael Noonan
Gold And Silver - The True Story Is About Time. Be Prepared.
We are going to start off with one of the most eye-popping pictures of just one central bank, the privately owned corporate Federal Reserve, and its purported gold holding. »»

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