
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

veterans today network

 Excelsior College
VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits       May 27, 2013
vladimir_putin_01 We are All Russians Now (author unknown)
Shortly after Vladimir Putin was elected president of Russia in 2000, the murdered family of Tzar Nicholas was beatified.
vt-top-1011 Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - May 27, 2013
impeach-obama-12 Harold Saive
Cindy Sheehan Joins Veterans For Peace Chapter to Impeach Obama
False Flag Harold Saive
Veterans For Peace Passes Resolution Demanding New 9/11 Investigation
memorialday3 Veterans Today
A Memorial Day Message from Secretary of Veterans Affairs
memorial-day2 Veterans Today
2013 Memorial Day Message from Florida Veterans For Common Sense
The Pentagram - I mean, Pentagon: World headquarters of human sacrifice. Kevin Barrett
Barbecues, Not Holocausts: A modest proposal for Memorial Day
du_montana-depleted uranium kills our troops gulf disease Ed Mattson
Part 3: How agent orange and depleted uranium affect the body
goldman-sachs Jonas E. Alexis
Ayn Rand, Usury and Capitalism, and Goldman Sachs (Part II)
kzc Veterans Today
Dimensions of Multiculturalism: Killings, Bombings and Free Speech
OBAMA-shredding SARTRE
Congressional Resistance Against Presidential Despotism
Paul Findley speaking on 45th anniversary of Israel's deliberate attack on the USS Liberty
Retired men of the Navy, I am deeply ashamed at the government cover up that keeps the American people unaware of your bravery and sacrifice. »»
A Message From The Secretary Of Veteran Affairs
Memorial Day is set aside to honor the more than one million of our fellow citizens who have fallen in battle since the founding of our Republic. »»
Ed. note : Please note;  Not a  single Israeli banner in the batch! A real gung ho American Firster!  Amerika Über Alles!
The Emperor's New Speech
On the 23rd of May 2013, a superior actor, the leader of the "free world" gave an hour speech that was long overdue on lurking topics which had been dogging him from the mouth of his critics, left and right. »»
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
- Job Training for Veterans in Electrical Profession
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Johnson & Johnson Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- IPT Associates Joins
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Qualifications for Obtaining a VA Loan
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Housing Starts Expected To Be Positive Next Week
Johnny Punish
USA vs. UK: Who's More Fascist?..
Over the last 12 years, the USA and UK have been putting the pedal to the medal to see how fast each can race to the bottom of the freedom and liberty trough. »»
Allen L Roland
War Is Hell And Don't Forget It
War is big business ~ and it operates in the service of big business regardless of the lives that are sacrificed. »»
Dean Henderson
John Hinckley Jr. & the Trilateral Commission..
In 1979, while people celebrated the Shah's demise in Tehran, Zbigniew Brzezinski was on his way to Kuwait City for a meeting with Kuwaiti Emir Jaber al-Sabah, Saudi officials and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. »»
No Police?
Michael Shrimpton
The Woolrich Terrorist Attack
Once again questions are being asked about official and police protection of terrorists, following the outrageous murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich, South-East London on Wednesday. »»
Stephen Lendman
Monsanto: Profits Above Human Health..
On May 25, tens of thousands of people marched against Monsanto. They did so in dozens of countries worldwide. They had good reason. »»
Michael Noonan
S & P - No[Confirming] Signal Of A Top, yet
There is a reason why the trend is the most important consideration when positioning in any market. »»
Michael Noonan
Gold And Silver - Markets Provide Us The Best Information
We cannot control the markets, but we can control how to respond to what they are saying. »»
golden dollar
Lorimer Wilson
Memorial Day Weekend "Market Intelligence Report" Newsletter from
Each day hundreds of financial, economic, investment and gold/silver articles are personally reviewed. »»

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