
Thursday, May 16, 2013


 Excelsior College

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits       May 15, 2013
bishop-williamson Bishop Richard Williamson: Boston Bombing Was Another False Flag
Bishop Richard Williamson says the American people need to wake up to false-flag terrorism - before it's too late.
Joseph Massad - Columbia University Veterans Today
Last of the Semites - Joseph Massad
ScreenHunter_1657 May. 15 13.33 Roi Tov
Syria Counterattacks Israel
ScreenHunter_1656 May. 15 13.18 Gordon Duff
Nigeria: Targeted for Destruction (2011 reprint, VT was right again!)
220px-John_R._Tunheim Jim Fetzer
The JFK War: The Case of Federal Judge John Tunheim
ScreenHunter_1655 May. 15 12.19 Gordon Duff
US dictatorship and its free fall
holy cow Roi Tov
Holy Cows
fukushima-dead-earth38 Allen L Roland
Fukushima Fallout Threat and Cover Up Continues
ScreenHunter_1652 May. 14 10.15 Veterans Today
Israel blames Chomsky for Hawking withdrawal from Peres conference
rogers-military news Rick Rogers
MHN: 500 Vets Dying Waiting for Appeals, $7B to Bring Equipment Home
ScreenHunter_1651 May. 14 10.02 Veterans Today
Then Maziar Bahari came for me
Chuck Gregory
New ebook from Mike Palecek
Mike is co-host with Chuck Gregory of The New American Dream Radio Show which features commentary by assorted columnists including Jim Fetzer, Sherwood Ross, Anthony Rayson, and many others. »»
James M. Wall
Hawking Stuns Israel With Conference Boycott
As a matter of conscience, Hawking will not be there. »»
Right Reverend Albert Bogle, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland for 2012 to 2013
Stuart Littlewood
Will the Church of Scotland cave in to Zionist bullies?
Will the Church robustly castigate and suspend dialogue with anyone on the Jewish side who refuses to condemn Israel's conduct and who continually make accusations of anti-Semitism against critics of the Zionist regime)? »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Mercedes Benz Joins
Military Veteran Job News    John Vogel
- Department of Veterans Affairs to Hire Over 800 Veterans
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
- Are Veterans Losing Jobs Unfairly?
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Qualifications for Obtaining a VA Loan
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Housing Starts Expected To Be Positive Next Week
Stuart Littlewood
Will the Church of Scotland Cave in to Zionist Bullies?..
"The political and humanitarian situation in the Holy Land continues to be a source of pain and concern for us all," says the introduction to the Church of Scotland's report The inheritance of Abraham? »»
Jaime Plym and Maurice Enis
Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall
More Vets Join Fukushima Lawsuit
Navy vets Jaime Plym and Maurice Enis marked the second anniversary of the world's worst nuclear disaster by joining the lawsuit filed by more than 100 sailors serving on the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan immediately following the nuclear explosion in Fukushima on March 11, 2011. »»
Jim W. Dean
Syria - Deception and Cover for Disaster..
- Everyone knows that false flags will be staged to create the need for full scale response strikes. »»
342x256_Syrian shades
Sami Jamil Jadallah
Nakba and Palestinian Failings
Every year at this time, the Palestinians remember the "Nakba" or catastrophe and mourn their failings, while Israel celebrates its independence and success as regional and world power. »»
Stephen Lendman
Another Anti-Assad False Flag..
Since early 2011, Obama's been waging proxy war on Syria. Imported death squads masquerade as freedom fighters. The scheme's familiar. It repeats. It reflects US imperialism's dark side. »»
Nick Barisheff
BullionBuzz eNewsletter | Feature: Exponential Curves End in Disaster, no Exceptions
Read this week's Bullion Buzz for a synopsis on recent, intriguing articles of relevance to investors. »»
IRS as a Political Hit Squad
When the Internal Revenue Service admits to violations of law by targeting limited government advocate organizations, you know that the non-divulged crimes are much worse. »»
Stephen Lendman
Thirdworldizing America
Poverty America's new growth industry. »»

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