
Monday, May 13, 2013

VTN REPORT: Your DAILY NEWS from Veterans Today

 Excelsior College
VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits       May 13, 2013
government The Big Split
Even though the American Group Mind (AGM) has been successfully "Hived", it's hard for the Big Lies of the US Government (USG) to last forever thanks to the advent of the alternative news provided by the worldwide Internet.
nakba Sami Jamil Jadallah
Nakba and Palestinian Failings
usa-vs-assad41 Stephen Lendman
Another Anti-Assad False Flag
rogers-military news Rick Rogers
MHN: Afghan IG Feeling Heat, Missing in America Project Finds 2,000
united-nations Mohamed Khodr
A United Nations For the Rest of Us, But Not For Israel
veteran business Veterans Today
Help for Veterans Who Own Businesses
gitmo hunger strikers Sherwood Ross
Time Running Out For Obama To Free Gitmo Hunger Strikers
vt-top-1011 Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - May 13, 2013
tank_gulfwar Veterans Today
Report Redefines How Care and Services Are Provided to Gulf War Veterans
Behind John Otte is a picture of him receiving his second Purple Heart. The Vietnam veteran gets $1,900 a month for post-traumatic stress disorder and diabetes, and he has applied for full disability benefits; that filing has been pending since 2010. Don Bartletti, Los Angeles Times Veterans Today
Vietnam Veterans New battle: Getting Disability Compensation
herodion Roi Tov
Back to the Future: Israel Accelerates Heritage Program
Agent Orange linked with aggressive prostate cancer
Men who were exposed to Agent Orange chemicals used during the Vietnam War are at higher risk for life-threatening prostate cancer than unexposed veterans, researchers have found. »»
Draft Gulf War Task Force Report Released
Today, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki announced that the Department's Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses Task Force will publish a comprehensive draft report in the Federal Register for public feedback and comment. »»
Major Automobile Company Has Job Openings Now!
For more than a century, Mercedes-Benz has been committed to extraordinary engineering, visionary design and standard setting innovation. »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Mercedes Benz Joins
Military Veteran Job News    John Vogel
- Department of Veterans Affairs to Hire Over 800 Veterans
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
- Are Veterans Losing Jobs Unfairly?
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Qualifications for Obtaining a VA Loan
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Housing Starts Expected To Be Positive Next Week
Robert Rosebrock
LA Politician Supports Public Park at the VA Instead of Housing for Homeless Veterans..
Los Angeles has the largest Homeless Veteran population in the Nation. Ironically, Los Angeles also has the largest Veterans Home in the Nation, albeit an abandoned one. »»
Committing Treason and Benghazi Murder Cover-up
Take off your partisan hat and open your minds to the actual uninterrupted high treason that is part of the foreign policy establishment. Party politics is often just a show that plays to their respective bases. »»
Paul J. Balles
Wake Up Call For America..
I'm tired of politics, of the injustices, the corruption, the assassinations, the gross illegal behaviour of the strong, the plundering of the poor and the indignities wrought on the weak. »»
culture of corruption
Hillary Clinton was Hell bent on going to war with Iran but was there some other secret agenda when she attempted to visit Iran?
Stew Webb
What Really Happened to Hillary Clinton and US Navy Seal Commander Job W. Price
"It great that the sheeples here didn't know about your covert trip to Iran.......oh boy didn't we do a good job getting Commander Price's body back to Afghanstan and faking his own suicide? »»
Stew Webb
Gordon Duff Interview with Stew Webb 3 Hour Marathon (Video)..
Interview by Stew Webb, covering everything from politics to cooking. This is probably worth listening to, you decide. »»
Stephen Lendman
Thirdworldizing America
Poverty America's new growth industry. »»
Michael Noonan
Gold And Silver - It Could Get Uglier And Take Longer
The realistic general consensus is that the spot prices for gold and silver are no longer relevant. Yet, what remains the one price on which focus has intensified for each? »»
Lorimer Wilson Gold Going Down to $1,160 - $1,200 and Silver to $15 - $18
An earlier article on gold & silver went viral with almost 30,000 reads on alone and continues to be read by hundreds of goldbugs daily. »»

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