
Friday, May 31, 2013 VTN REPORT: Your DAILY NEWS from Veterans Today Network

 Excelsior College
VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits       May 31, 2013
space-war Secret Space War II
There is an ongoing Secret Space War that the USG has been engaged in since 1947.
ScreenHunter_1735 May. 31 15.26 Roi Tov
25 Years After the Assassination: Israel Lost
Abdul-Baki Todashev shows autopsy photo of slain-by-FBI son Ibragim Kevin Barrett
Did "FBI" gangster hitmen silence Todashev to cover up Boston false-flag?
ScreenHunter_1733 May. 31 13.03 Gordon Duff
Al Qaeda, the Private Army of America's Neocon Right
rogers-now-2 Rick Rogers
Homeless Vet Fix Update, Soldier to Plead in Afghan Massacre
World News Tomorrow World News Tommorrow
South Africa's Racist Policies
tamir-pardo-1 Jim W. Dean
Zygier Affair not Completely Swept under the Rug Yet
BobDole1942 Michael Farrell
And Now For Something Completely Different...Sort Of!
GasMask Jim W. Dean
Breaking -Turks Catch al-Nusra with Two Kilos of Sarin gas
ScreenHunter_1723 May. 30 13.59 Roi Tov
Go ahead, Iran!
ScreenHunter_1722 May. 30 12.33 Veterans Today
Syria Army destroys trucks smuggling oil into Turkey
Dollar could be in danger as the world's currency
Paul Craig Roberts
The Social Cost Of Capitalism - Paul Craig Roberts
Don't expect mainstream economists to pay any attention. They are still waxing eloquently about the advantages of Globalism's gift... »»
Stephen Lendman
Lifting the Fake EU Arms Embargo: Weapons for Al Qaeda in Syria
Twenty-one EU nations are NATO members.It's an alliance for war, not peace.It's for offense, not defense.It's a killing machine. America runs it. »»
Less Drugs, More Pain Management
Our nation didn't arrive at an opioid crisis overnight, so it's important to understand how we got here. »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Noresco Joins
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
- Job market overlooks too many veterans
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
- Job Training for Veterans in Electrical Profession
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- U.S. Veterans Get Amazing Mortgage Deal from VA
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Qualifications for Obtaining a VA Loan
Rick Rogers
Military Headline News: Sex Tapes Punishable Under Military Law..
There are some things that civilians can legally do that service members just can't. Add another item to that list. »»
ScreenHunter_1721 May. 30 09.12
Veterans Today
"Vet Hating" McCain Caught Meeting Al Qaeda Kidnapper
Hawkish US Senator John McCain (C) poses with infamous kidnapper in Syria, Mohamed Nour (seen with his hand on his chest and holding a camera) »»
Veterans Today
Syria Already in Possession of Russia's S-300 System: President Assad..
"Russia says the shipment of its S-300 missile defense system is aimed at deterring foreign intervention in Syria." »»
ScreenHunter_1719 May. 30 08.51
Jonas E. Alexis
Denying Holocaust Forgeries, Hoaxes, and Fabrications
"The Holocaust has become a secular religion, with state support in the form of a national museum." »»
Gordon Duff
'Syrian National Council' unfit to rule'..
The Syrian "National Council" is a very different kind of animal, neither snake nor rat nor vulture but parts of all, and not the best parts by far. »»
ScreenHunter_1718 May. 29 18.10
Mitch Feierstein
Why the Facebook IPO proves you can never trust a bank!
Disappointing: Facebook shares have lost 31pc of their value since the company's IPO. »»
Lorimer Wilson
Shift From USD As Reserve Currency Underway - What Does This Mean for America?
Today, more than 60% of all foreign currency reserves in the world are in U.S. dollars - but there are big changes on the horizon. »»
Lorimer Wilson
What's Coming: A Stock Market Crash This Summer Followed By More QE & a Commodity Price Spike
Unknowingly, with QE Infinity, Bernanke has put in motion a runaway move in the stock market that will end in some kind of crash this summer. »»

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