
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Honor and Remember Across America Flyer

Dear Supporters
With so much momentum in place and more progress ahead, we must focus on broadening awareness.
That is why we will soon be taking the message to every state and launching "Honor and Remember Across America."

The trip will focus on taking the Honor and Remember message to 49 states with the hope
that each state legislature will join Virginia's in officially adopting this symbol of remembrance.
We will be giving presentations at various venues where we have been invited to speak,
including houses of worship, veterans groups and community organizations.
And most importantly, we will look forward to meeting many Gold Star families around the U.S.
Our goals are to spread the word about the Honor and Remember Flag
everywhere possible, to see the flag flying across America and to touch the lives of many families who have lost so much.
This unprecedented journey can only be successful as a team effort
If you are able to help in any way please view our itinerary and contact us. Thank you so very much for your continued support.

Click here for ITINERARY:

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