
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Davos 2013: Resilience as a 21st Century Imperative

Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Arianna Huffington: The weather here in Davos is crisp and snowy, but the global outlook heading into the 43rd World Economic Forum is decidedly more overcast. "Is global capitalism going through a prolonged period of convalescence," asks the Guardian's economics editor Larry Elliott, "or is it suffering from an incurable sickness?" Indeed, there's ample fuel for pessimism. That's why the theme of this year's gathering is so appropriate: resilient dynamism. It's a complex concept -- one that's going to be defined in myriad ways this week -- but for me it's about exploring the idea that growth is no longer going to be something that just happens. And whether or not it does is going to depend on our ability -- personally, collectively, globally -- to respond to crises. As the Rockefeller Foundation's Judith Rodin writes, "Building resilience is not a luxury, it's a 21st century imperative." I'm looking forward to a week of discussions about how to meet that challenge.
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Dr. Judith Rodin: Rebound: Building a More Resilient World
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Ian Bremmer: Davos: The 2013 Sneak Preview
The World Economic Forum has set the catchphrase for this year's summit: 'Resilient Dynamism." If that's difficult to digest, it's because the risk outlook is equally cloudy and disparate.
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