
Friday, February 24, 2017

The Pressure Builds: "They Are Trying To Shift Blame Before The Collapse"....................AND MORE

“Micro-Homestead” This Modest Survival Shelter Could Save Your Life When It’s Time to Bug Out
It certainly isn’t much, but when you have nothing else, it could be all you need.
Longtime White House Correspondent Claims President Trump Is A Racist Over Something He Never Actually Said
It’s so obviously racist we’re surprised the mainstream media didn’t catch it the first time around.
Alarming and Mysterious Rise of Radiation Levels in Europe Baffles Experts
Although this situation isn’t a serious threat so far, clearly it’s serious enough that Western governments are putting their best resources on the line to figure what is really going on.
FDA Approved: This "Nuke Pill" Could Save Your Life
Pressure: “Culpable For Our Bubble Economy And Trying To Shift Blame Before A Collapse”
I have noticed an expanding disinformation campaign which appears to be designed to wash the Federal Reserve of culpability for the crash of 2008.
Profound Events Are Taking Place In Russia and North Korea: ‘There Are Destabilizing Forces At Work Here’
As long as globalist oligarchs are operating, we can bank on continued destabilization and the creation of hot spots in addition to the three outlined in this article.
“Hold Gold”: Why This Country Wants Its People to Buy Gold
The societies that recognize the danger of abandoning gold as a benchmark have typically witnessed the devastating toll that fiat money and inflation can have.
Trump Vindicated: Migrant No-Go Zone in Sweden Burns As Rioters Loot Stores and Assault Cops
This is what happens when you open your borders to hundreds of thousands of people who hate you and your culture.

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