
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

This Will Trigger The Next Run On Gold

While the San Francisco gold rush ramped up out West...
Another gold rush ramped up in the East...
On an island with even richer finds.
It’s a story few investors know...
But this island was pushed up from the depths of the ocean sideways...
Exposing 1.5 billion years of the Earth's history on the surface...
MapIncluding $1.2 billion in gold.
The place?  Nova Scotia.
That's because the government is now allowing open pit mining...
And with the technology advances made in the past 143 years...
A second gold rush is on.
There, a little-known miner is about to dig out 447,000 ounces of gold.
Gold that has a grade 87% higher than the average of ALL North and South American mines.
In short: This $10 million miner... is now sitting on $560 million in gold.
And first-in investors could get rich...
Get the story on the Nova Scotia gold rush NOW...
(Before all of the gold investors do.)

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