
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

MAJOR alert: Texans or if you know someone who lives in Texas


As regular readers to my columns know, we are in a war out here against those dangerous 'smart' meters.


We want them banned. But, there is an 'opt out' bill in the Texas State Senate. Even though it's a Band Aid, we need to get it passed.


1. Our legislature goes out of session May 27th and they don't come back until January 2015.


2. The Texas PUC has been working on an 'opt out' since January 2012. They have done so in anticipation of what the legislatures does. If the legislature does nothing, the PUC will do nothing and forced deployment will continue.


3. It's also likely those of us without meters will then be forced to get a meter or have our power terminated with no notice. It has happened to several homeowners in Texas as well as other states:


Handicap Women who Requires Breathing Assistance Equipment Has Power Cut after Refusing Smart Meter



ONCOR threatened me, but since my husband is 100% disabled, it's against the law in this state to terminate power if a disabled individual resides in the home. The energy companies are ruthless and will stop at nothing. They DO NOT care about your health or your children's. Those dangerous meters are absolutely essential to the 'smart' grid and Agenda 21.


The bill is out of committee, but it has to go to a floor vote or the house will not move on their bill.


PLEASE call your Texas State Senator and tell him/her:


I'm asking Senator ________ to vote to bring SB 241 to a floor vote.


Below is the list of state senators. Click on the name and you'll get their office at the state capitol. If you can't call today, please call in the morning or when ever you can tomorrow - even on a break or your lunch hour. I called Sen. Corona's office a little while ago. There is no scheduled floor vote so we have time to flood their offices with calls and faxes.



If you don't know your Texas State Senator, go to the link below. On the right side you'll see where you fill in your address:



Also, call Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst's office and ask the bill be brought to a floor vote:


512 463-0001


"The Lieutenant Governor is President of the Texas Senate. By the rules of the Senate, the Lieutenant Governor establishes all special and standing committees, appoints all chairpersons and members, and assigns all Senate legislation to the committee of his choice. The Lieutenant Governor decides all questions of parliamentary procedure in the Senate. He or she also has broad discretion in following Senate procedural rules."



To the California PUC from the County of Marin, County of Santa Cruz, County of Fairfax, City of Marina City of Seaside, Cit of Capitola, City of Santa Cruz, Town of Ross and the Alliance for Human and Environmental Health (all in California):


Before The Public Utilities Commission of the State of Califonria (July 16, 2011); Page 5:


"A. The Commission Has Long Acknowledged And Acted Upon Public Concerns About The Health Impacts Of EMF But Never Found the Utilities’ Wireless Mesh Networks or SmartMeters To Be Safe.


"The SmartMeter program has generated unprecedented public concern about the health impacts of the planned deployment of millions of devices which will expose Californians to a cumulatively immeasurable amount of pulsed electro-magnetic and RF signals. Scores of witnesses have come forth to describe their personal concerns about the program's effect on their own health and decry this development in formal filings and public hearings before the Commission. As set forth below, the concern over the health impacts of EMF is not new or unique to the SmartMeter program. In fact, it has been a documented public health concern known to the Commission for decades.”



Take Back Your Power is a new feature film that gives the truth about how dangerous those meters are and what's in store for ALL of us nationwide if we don't stop them. Right now it's being shown in a few select areas to raise money to finish the licensing and distribution.


I can't stress strongly enough how important it is to get that film onto DVD. ANY state legislator who sees it will no longer be able to deny the facts. They will see the danger they've put themselves and their families in whether they have the meter yet or not. If you're surrounded by thousands of them, the emission distance is up to 3 miles.


I have donated to get that film finished and out there across America. Please, even if it's just one dollar, make a donation. Josh Del Sol has done a remarkable job on a shoestring budget. They still need $30,000. If I were wealthy, I'd write a check for the full amount, but I'm not.


We are all being affected by dirty electricity. The energy companies have unleashed a monster with the jazzy new technology that is slowly killing people. The facts presented in the film are facts, not speculation.


You can make a donation on their web site:



I'm sending another $25.00 today. Sure, I'd like to spend the money on myself or my family, but this is a top priority disaster. We can't be good freedom fighters if we're plagued with the serious health problems brought on by 'smart' meters. The movie needs to go to DVD so we can get them to our state legislators and groups around the country. Churches, political party county meetings. This film will be the game changer.


The only people to benefit from those dangerous meters are the power companies AND the cancer industry and other specialized medicine. We will see more cancer clusters in schools, more cancer victims in the general population. If you haven't read Dr. Samuel Milham's short but superb book, Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization:



I will be on Jeff Rense show tonight talking about this --


Time: 7:00 pm PST, 9:00 pm CST and 10:00 pm EST



Smart Meters: Correcting The Gross Misinformation



Dr. David Carpenter and a group of scientists on the site above. Do take the time to read it; here's his bio:


Dr. David O. Carpenter, M.D., Director, Institute for Health and the Environment, University at Albany and Professor of Environmental Health Sciences within the School of Public Health. Formerly Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Albany and Director of the Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research of the New York State Department of Health.



Dirty Electricity:


"When Thomas Edison began wiring New York City with a direct current electricity distribution system in the 1880s, he gave humankind the magic of electric light, heat, and power; in the process, though, he inadvertently opened a Pandora’s Box of unimaginable illness and death.


"Dirty Electricity tells the story of Dr. Samuel Milham, the scientist who first alerted the world about the frightening link between occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic pollution, and human disease. Milham takes readers through his early years and education, following the twisting path that led to his discovery that most of the twentieth century diseases of civilization, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and suicide, are caused by electromagnetic field exposure.


"Dr. Milham warns that because of the recent proliferation of radio frequency radiation from cell phones and towers, terrestrial antennas, Wi-Fi and Wi-max systems, broadband internet over power lines, and personal electronic equipment, we may be facing a looming epidemic of morbidity and mortality. In Dirty Electricity, he reveals the steps we must take, personally and as a society, to coexist with this marvelous but dangerous technology."

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