
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

VTN REPORT: Your DAILY NEWS from Veterans Today Network

 Excelsior College
VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits       May 07, 2013
boston planting bomb Boston - Who did what to whom?
- The shakeout out of the Boston bombings begins, including identifying controlled deception and cover
Israel's real air force, from deep inside Syria Gordon Duff
War Has Begun
ScreenHunter_1626 May. 07 11.53 Roi Tov
Chemical Duel
in bed with bibi 1 Gilad Atzmon
In Bed With Bibi
Barack Obama Stephen Lendman
America and Israel: Imperial Partners in Crime (Part II)
vt-top-1011 Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - May 06, 2013
CAVC Triers of Fact Alex Graham
images Jim Fetzer
Obama violates US and International Law in Pakistan
ScreenHunter_1620 May. 06 12.06 Veterans Today
Palestine is not a Farm of the Saudi King
Conceptual 3d abstract illustration. Dean Henderson
Israeli Bankers & the Middle East Blueprint
obamachurch SARTRE
Human Liberty Is Doomed
Major Materials Provider Has Jobs For Hire
Horizons Incorporated has joined in an effort to provide employment to our nations heroes! »»
EU-High-Rep Catherine Ashton
Stuart Littlewood
Truth-tellers and justice-seekers, don't give up!
Jeremy Greenstock and 18 other prominent Europeans have sent a strongly-worded message to EU High Representative Catherine Ashton calling for a new European approach and expressing "strong concern about the dying chances of a settlement based on two separate, sovereign and peaceful states of Israel and Palestine". »»
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
Why We Must Change The Narrative On Syria
"Evil requires the sanction of the victim." Ayn Rand. »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Horizons Incorporated Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Merck Renews with
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
- Solar Biz Job Fair for Veterans This Friday
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Qualifications for Obtaining a VA Loan
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Housing Starts Expected To Be Positive Next Week
Veterans Today
Boeing Aircraft Sets Hypersonic Flight Record..
An experimental unmanned aircraft flies for three-and-a-half minutes at five times the speed of sound. »»
ScreenHunter_1619 May. 06 00.36
ScreenHunter_1618 May. 06 00.12
Brig Asif H. Raja
Why Terrorism Couldn't Be Curbed?
Terrorism is the foremost problem of the world but ironically it is yet to be defined. What is the yardstick for defining a terrorist since 'one person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter' and vice versa? Difference between terrorism and freedom struggle has also not been defined. »»
Sami Jamil Jadallah
Islam: The Danger Within..
As if the war on Islam and Muslims declared by certain evil forces within the US and international Zionism is not enough, the so-called " Takfiri/Jihadist" terrorists have also declared war on Islam and Muslims. »»
Stuart Littlewood
Truth-Tellers and Justice-Seekers, Don't Give Up!
William Cook in his masterly way tells us not to give up The-truth-tellers-lament-in-a-time-of-darkness even if "overwhelmed by darkness of the times". »»
Gordon Duff
America's Unspoken Civil War..
The treasonous group, calling themselves "right wing patriots," a bizarre combination of adherents to the "Dominionist" apocalypse death cult, "middle management" of the drug cartels and Bolshevik "Neocons" totalitarians, have proven themselves willing and capable of any outrage. »»
ScreenHunter_1616 May. 05 09.17
golden dollar
Lorimer Wilson
The Latest "Market Intelligence Report" from - Where Knowledge = Money!
Each day hundreds of financial, economic, investment and gold/silver articles are personally reviewed. »»
Michael Noonan
Finding A Trade - Australian Dollar
We recommended a long position in the Australian dollar this morning, 1.0205. Markets have a certain logic to them, and there are times when one can find a developing story that leads to a position. »»
Stephen Lendman
US-Style Free Trade in Good Hands with Michael Froman
On May 2, Obama named Froman his new US trade representative. He's a former Harvard law school classmate. He's currently a key adviser. »»

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